Stories to Short Chapters Guide
The “Stories to Short Chapters” guide is enough material for a full school year. This program pulls together several great resources. This guide schedules: four highly interactive write-in readers, handwriting practice, spelling, phonics worksheets, creative narration, spelling activities and games, phonics activities and games, simple vocabulary, language activities, and making a dictionary using the resource, “Words I Use When I Write,” from words they encounter throughout the year.
The guide offers an abundance of weekly teaching notes, helps, and instructions on how-to-use the materials in this guide and so on. Blank lined handwriting originals can be copied for student who need more practice than the handwriting scheduled using the “Pine Hollow Handwriting Set.” As weekly games are scheduled every week their instructions and other helpful lists and information is include. Language skills worksheets are also included to help teach important skills, sentence punctuation, and some basic grammar. Answer for the language skills worksheets and the four write-in readers are also included as part of this guide.
Concepts “Stories to Short Chapters” Covers
Week 1: Review of alphabet
Week 2: sh
Week 3: sh & ch
Week 4: th
Week 5: sh, ch, & th
Week 6: ph & gh
Week 7: wh
Week 8: spl, squ, & str
Week 9: ar
Week 10: or
Week 11: scr, spr, & thr
Week 12: er
Week 13: ir
Week 14: ur
Week 15: wor
Week 16: ear
Week 17: ight & ght
Week 18: ai
Week 19: y & ey
Week 20: oo
Week 21: oo
Week 22: oi & oy
Week 23: tch
Week 24: ou
Week 25: ou
Week 26: ow
Week 27: ou & ow
Week 28: ew & ui
Week 29: ough & ck
Week 30: ea
Week 31: ea
Week 32: oa, kn, & gn
Week 33: ng & dge
Week 34: au
Week 35: aw
Week 36: au & aw